Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Mother's day??

One of the Dr.'s came in today and told me that there is a possibility they will let me wait it out until 35 weeks. It all really depends on the baby, if he is doing ok in there. if not  am sure they will veto their decision and get him right out. If he makes it until 35 weeks (mothers day) it will be so great! Maybe only a short time in the ICN!
A few things that make it tricky. A. the bleeding, I have had about three episodes where I will bleed and cramp for a few days, the last being worse than eve. It has stopped, although my amniotic fluid is still peach tinged, so maybe right there ready to go full force again. Also the baby has his cord in a precarious spot. Around his head...when they are doing the NST his heart rate will drop. Yesterday they came running in...not sure if this means they will knock me out and do a c section of if they will try and get me to change positions...don't know...anyway. These things make it not a sure thing.

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